The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

Alexander Silbiger – Selected Bibliography

Selected Publications

Books and scholarly editions

Italian Manuscript Sources of Seventeenth-Century Keyboard Music, Studies in Musicology (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1980)

Mathias Weckmann: Sacred Concertos, Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era (Madison: A-R Editions, 1984)

Frescobaldi Studies (editor and contributor), (Durham: Duke University Press, 1987)

Seventeenth-Century Keyboard Music, gen. ed., 28 vols. (New York: Garland Publishing, 1987-89)

Nicola Vicentino: Four Enharmonic Madrigals, ed. (Utrecht, Netherlands: Diapason Press, 1990)

Keyboard Music Before 1700, Studies in Musical Genres and Repertories (editor and contributor), (New York: Schirmer Books, 1995); 2d revised and expanded edition (New York: Routledge, 2003).

Frescobaldi Thematic Catalogue Online (2011),

Chapters in Books and Articles in Scholarly Publications

“The First Viol Tutor: Hans Gerle’s Musica Teutsch (1532),” Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society 6 (1969): 34-48.

“An Unknown Partbook of Early Sixteenth-Century Polyphony,” Studi Musicali 6 (1977): 43-67.

Articles “Ansalone” (with K. Larson), “Boerio,” “Cimino,” “Ferrini,” “Klemm,” “Weckmann,” in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 6th ed. (London: MacMillan, 1980).

“Imitations of the Colascione in 17th-Century Keyboard Music,” Galpin Society Journal 33 (1980): 92-99.

“The Roman Frescobaldi Tradition: 1640-1670,” Journal of the American Musicological Society 33 (1980): 42-8

“Keyboard Music by Corelli’s Colleagues: Roman Composers in English Sources,” in Nuovissimi Studi Corelliani (Florence: Olschki, 1982), 253-267.

“Michelangelo Rossi and His Toccate e Correnti,” Journal of the American Musicological Society 36 (1983): 18-38.

“Scarlatti Borrowings in Handel’s Grand Concertos,” Musical Times 125 (1984): 93-95.

“Tipi tonali nella musica di Frescobaldi,” in Girolamo Frescobaldi: Nel quarto centenario della nascita, Sergio Durante and Dinko Fabris, eds. (Florence: Olschki, 1986), 301-314.

“The Autographs of Matthias Weckmann: A Reevaluation,” in Heinrich Schütz und die Musik in Dänemark zur Zeit Christians IV, Anne Ørbæk Jensen and Ole Kongsted, eds. (Copenhagen: Engstrøm & Sødring, 1989), 117-45.

Article “Klemm,” in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians: Music Printing and Publishing (New York: Norton, 1990).

“Is the Italian Keyboard Intavolatura a Tablature?,” Recercare 3 (1991), 81-104.

“Music and the Crisis of Seventeenth-Century Europe,” in Music and Science in the Age of Galileo, Victor Coelho, ed., The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, vol. 51 (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992), 35-44.

“Monteverdi, Schütz, and Weckmann: the Weight of Tradition,” in Proceedings of the Matthias Weckmann Symposium, Göteborg, 30 August – 3 September 1991, Sverker Jullander, ed., Skrifter från Musikvetenskapliga avdelningen, Göteborgs universitet, vol. 31 (Gothenburg, 1993), 123-39.

“Tracing the Contents of Froberger’s Lost Autographs,” Current Musicology 54 (1993): 5-23.

“In Defense of Facsimiles,” Historical Performance 7 (1994): 101-104 .

“From Madrigal to Toccata: Frescobaldi and the Seconda Prattica,” in Critica Musica: Essays in Honor of Paul Brainard, John Knowles, ed. (Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, 1996), 403-28.

“Passacaglia and Ciaccona: Genre Pairing and Ambiguity from Frescobaldi to Couperin,” Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, 2 (1996).

“Reflections on Froberger’s Libro Primo and Terzo,” Froberger, musicien européen, Domaine musicologique, vol.12 (Klincksieck, 1998), 155

Fourteen articles for The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 7th ed. (London: MacMillan, 2001), including “Ansalone,” “Boerio,” “Chaconne,” “Cimino,” “Frescobaldi” (with F. Hammond), “Klemm,” “Musica Ficta: After 1600,” “Passacaglia,” “Weckmann,” and (with G. Gerbino) “Bergamasca,” Folia,” “Monica,” “Passamezzo,” and “Ruggiero.”

“Bach and the Chaconne”, Journal of Musicology 17 (1999): 358-85.

“On Frescobaldi’s Recreation of the Ciaccona and the Passacaglia,” in The Keyboard in Baroque Europe, Christopher Hogwood, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 3-18.

“Fantasy and Craft: The Solo Instrumentalist,” in The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-century Music, John Butt and Tim Carter, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 426-78.

Foreword to Music and Its Questions: Essays in Honor of Peter Williams, ed. Thomas Donahue (Organ Historical Society Press, 2008), 1-6.

“Four Centuries of Frescobaldi Reception: How His Music Made Its Way through the World from His Time to Ours,” in A Fresco: Mélanges offerts au Professeur Etienne Darbellay, eds. Brenno Boccadero and George Starobinski (Bern: Peter Lang, 2013), 81-98.

“The Promises and Pitfalls of Online Scholarly Music Publishing,” in Early Music Editing: Principles, Historiography, Future Directions, eds.Theodor Dumitrescu, Karl Kügle and Marnix van Berchum, Epitome Musical (Turnhout BE: Brepols Publishers, January 2014), 187-201.

“Frescobaldi’s Two Books of Toccatas (1637): Monuments of Art or Student Exercises?,” in The Worlds of Harpsichord and Organ: Liber Amicorum David Fuller, ed. Bruce Gustafson (New York: Pendragon Press, 2016)

See also Alexander Silbiger – Curriculum Vitae