The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

Diversity and Inclusion Research Award Application

The Society for Seventeenth Century Music seeks applications for a Research Award for Diversity and Inclusion, to support underrepresented scholars at early stages of their careers, and to support topics of research that are underrepresented in the field of seventeenth-century music. Preference will be given to graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, contingent faculty, pre-tenure faculty, and independent scholars.

Application deadline: January 15th, 2025


Which projects can be supported:

  • We invite proposals to fund research, and open-source pedagogical resource development, as well as public-facing works that increase diversity in the field of seventeenth-century music studies.
  • This award can be used for digitization of archival material, for travel to archives or libraries, for the cost of recording underrepresented musical repertoires that then is freely accessible to the public, for translations of source material and secondary sources, for working on a lecture series, or for other projects pertaining to diversifying the scholarship of music of the long seventeenth century (e.g., research that decenters Europe or otherwise expands the arc of research in seventeenth-century music, performance recordings of seventeenth-century BIPOC composers, or the production of video lectures aimed at a broader/undergraduate audience that refocus seventeenth-century musical cultures).