The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music

2021 Annual Meeting, April 15-18

The Society for Seventeenth-Century Music will hold its Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference from Thursday through Sunday, April 15–18 2021, via Zoom. This year’s annual meeting is hosted by the University of Oregon Musicking Conference, an annual, five-day event that seeks to cultivate student and community interest in early music and historical performance practice studies by combining scholarship, education, and performance. Musicking activities will primarily occur between April 12 and April 15, and will then segue into SSCM (April 15 through April 18). We invite each of you to join us for our Musicking conference (free and open to all interested parties), which will include a presentation on a recent critical edition of the works of Antonio Vandini; a lecture concert on early music of Central and South Americas; a keynote address on “The State of Early Music in 2021” (Marc Vanscheeuwijck); and a special joint panel dedicated to diversifying early music pedagogy. This joint panel will be hosted by the Musicking Conference, and will focus on the important work of the SSCM’s members. The pedagogy panel (Monday, April 12) speaks to the commitment of SSCM (and that of the newly created Committee for Diversity and Inclusion) to promote inclusion and access, and will therefore be free and open for viewing by individuals beyond our own society.

Conference Menu